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in the Upper Klamath Basin


Welcome to the UKBWAP!


  • The UKBWAP (Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Action Plan) is a science-based plan to prioritize restoration actions in the Upper Klamath Basin. 

  • The UKBWAP provides guidelines for voluntary restoration actions

  • The UKBWAP is non-regulatory

  • The UKBWAP is comprised of three parts:

  • The UKBWAP will continue to be updated as new data are available. 

  • The UKBWAP identifies work necessary to support the habitat and water quality improvement goals laid out in the following plans:

    • Revised Recovery Plan for the Lost River sucker and Shortnose sucker (USFWS 2012)

    • Upper Klamath Lake Drainage Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) (ODEQ 2002)

    • Recovery Plan for the Coterminous United States Population of Bull Trout (USFWS 2015)

    • Implementation Plan for the Reintroduction of Anadromous Fishes into the Oregon Portion of the Upper Klamath Basin (ODFW and The Klamath Tribes 2021)

  • The UKBWAP was developed by a team of local restoration professionals representing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Trout Unlimited, Klamath Watershed Partnership, The Klamath Tribes, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, The Nature Conservancy, and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board of California.

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View the IRPT


A key component of the UKBWAP is the Interactive Reach Prioritization Tool (IRPT). This online mapping tool can be used to visually explore the prioritization results for stream reaches within the Upper Klamath Basin. To learn more about the IRPT and how to use it, visit the IRPT Info page. 

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Document Downloads


The UKBWAP and Appendices can be downloaded in parts or as a package. Files are dated to ensure the latest documents are always available for download. 


Frequently Asked Questions about the UKBWAP and its development. Also quickly access methods, background, and process information.

Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Action Plan


© 2021 UKBWAP Team

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