A key component of the UKBWAP is the Interactive Reach Prioritization Tool (IRPT). This online mapping tool can be used to visually explore the prioritization results for stream reaches within the Upper Klamath Basin. To learn more about the IRPT and how to use it, review the information below
Click Here to view the IRPT (in a new window)
Getting Started with the Interactive Reach Prioritization Tool (IRPT)
Open the IRPT link above (note that the IRPT will work much better on a desktop computer than on a mobile device)
Click on the blue 'Legend' button at the bottom of the screen
To view data layers for condition metric scores click the green ‘Layer List’ button at the bottom of the screen and select layers of interest
Once the layers of interest are selected, click on individual reaches or shoreline segments (in the map) for more information about metric score.
Any changes you make to the app including layer visibility and order, basemap changes, or adding supplemental data layers to the map are valid only for the current session. The next time you load the web app it will return to its default state.
Advanced ArcGIS users can access all of the UKBWAP data through ArcGIS Pro via the Catalog toolbar. To do this, choose Portal, then ArcGIS Online, and then search for UKBWAP in the search bar.

To view the legend, which shows names and symbols for all visible layers on the map, click the blue 'Legend' button on the bottom toolbar.

Layer List:
To turn layers on and off, and to view layer names and symbols, click the green 'Layer List' button on the bottom toolbar. Layers can be moved up or down in the list by clicking the ellipses button for each layer ( )

Basemap Gallery:
To change the underlying base map, click the orange ‘Basemap Gallery’ button on the bottom toolbar. The default base map is 'Topographic.'

To access directions and metric descriptions, click the brown 'About' button on the bottom toolbar. All of the information shown after clicking the 'About' button is duplicated on this webpage.

Add Data:
To add additional data layers to the map, click the grey 'Add Data' button on the bottom toolbar. From here you can add additional data from the UKBWAP, data from your own ArcGIS account, or data from the ArcGIS Online catalog.
Metric Descriptions:
This stream reach metric is scored based on the length of channelized segments per reach length.
Channel Incision
This stream reach metric is scored based on the total area of incised stream banks per reach length. Average incision depth of incised stream banks is provided for reference.
Levees and Berms
This stream reach metric is scored based on the average score of two measures: the proportion of each reach that is obstructed by levees or berms and the proportion of the distance between the channel and the floodplain (i.e., the floodplain width) that is accessible to flood waters (i.e., not disconnected by levees or berms).
This shoreline reach metric reflects potential for natural wetland restoration and is scored using expert opinion.
Riparian and Floodplain Vegetation
This stream reach metric is scored based on the proportion of the riparian zone with mesic vegetation (e.g., willows, sedges, and other leafy green vegetation).
Irrigation Practices
This metric is scored separately for stream and shoreline reaches. For stream reaches, the metric is scored based on number of irrigation returns per reach length. No other irrigation practices are currently included in the analysis. For shoreline reaches, the metric is scored based on expert opinion.
This stream reach metric reflects potential for spring restoration and is scored using expert opinion.
Fish Passage
This stream reach metric is scored based on the number of barriers to fish passage per reach length. Barriers on larger mainstem rivers are weighted three times higher than barriers on headwater reaches.
This stream reach metric is scored based on the density of roads within 100 meters of each reach. State and U.S. highways are excluded from the calculation.
Fish Entrainment
This stream reach metric is scored based on the count of irrigation diversions or irrigation returns per reach length. Unscreened diversions are weighted two times higher than diversions with unknown screening status.
Large Woody Debris
This stream and shoreline reach metric reflects potential for benefit from large woody debris additions and other actions to improve large woody debris recruitment, and is scored using expert opinion.
Spawning Substrate
This stream and shoreline reach metric reflects potential for benefit from gravel additions or other actions to improve spawning habitat, and is scored using expert opinion.
A more detailed description of metrics, source data, and methods are provided in the UKBWAP and associated Appendix D.