How to use the Watershed Action Plan (Sample Workflow)
(The following text is copied from Chapter 1 of the UKBWAP)
Although the UKBWAP includes extensive narrative, conceptual models, and appendices, the primary component of interest to restoration professionals is likely the IRPT, which provides a web-based interactive map identifying priority areas for restoration based on degree of impairment. The IRPT is intended to be the most accessible and frequently accessed portion of the UKBWAP, while the narrative and appendices offer additional guidance and information.
An example workflow for the UKBWAP is:
Accessing the IRPT to identify a priority area for restoration, which may include reviewing Chapter 4 to learn more about the IRPT.
Proceeding with a site visit or landowner outreach (possibly using strategies outlined in the Stakeholder Outreach and Engagement Plan [Appendix C, in prep.]), depending on relationships with landowners in the identified project area
Project planning, which may include:
a. Reviewing the Restoration Guide (Appendix A) to inform restoration project selection
b. Reviewing the conceptual models and associated narrative (Chapter 3) for the impairment/restoration action pair of interest to better understand direct and indirect effects (particularly useful when developing grant proposals for project funding)
c. Reviewing the Monitoring Framework (Appendix B) to inform development of quantifiable project objectives and an associated monitoring regime.
Proceeding with project implementation
The UKBWAP is not intended to be read cover-to-cover as many sections (particularly Chapter 3) are repetitive and highly technical, to ensure that accurate and scientifically-sound information is presented for each impairment and project type. Rather, the narrative of the UKBWAP exists to provide additional support and documentation for the critical components (IRPT, appendices) of the UKBWAP, as needed by restoration professionals.